HOA Forms
Any resident wishing to review Financials or Board Meeting minutes are free to come by the Property Management office during normal business hours to review the documents.
Below is The Charles Crossing fee schedule for the following: field rentals, pool pass replacement, AECC/HOA violations, late fees and returned checks. *These fees are subject to change, as costs to the HOA increase. Also following the Bi-Laws and Budjet .
*Charles Crossing Fee Schedule
*Architectural and Environmental Control Committee (AECC) Guidelines
AECC's contact email address: aeccforcchoa@gmail.com
Before any exterior alterations can be made to your property, please be sure to read the AECC guidelines. You must then submit an Exterior Alteration Application (see below) with all the necessary documents and signatures to the Architectural Review Committee for approval. All structures that are erected without proper approval will be subject to fines and you may be required to remove the structure.
*Exterior Alteration Application
CCHOA vs. County Approval Letter for Permits
*Zoning Permit Guidelines
*Online Charles County Permit Application
Please click on website below that will direct you to permit applications.. https://land.charlescountymd.gov/EnerGov_Prod/SelfService#/home
*Field Rentals
The Open Field near Community Center's entrance will be available to rent for $250.00/4 hour minimum plus a $100.00 deposit, any additional hours will be $50.00 per hour. The Open Field between the Pool and Sedgewick Drive will be available to rent for $350.00/4 hour minimum plus a $100.00 deposit, any additional hours will be $50.00 per hour. All deposits will be applied to the balance due.
Please see new pool policies - Revised CCHOA Pool Policy
In order to utilize the pool please understand social distancing will be in effect and residents must have a valid CCHOA pool pass. Your pool passes should be renewed each year. To obtain passes you must fill out a Pool Registration Form (see below). Each homeowner will be allowed 6 passes per household. There is a $30 replacement fee for all lost or misplaced passes. If you are a resident with tenants you must complete a Pool Registration Form with your approval signature. Pool staff will not be accepting any money or applications.
*CCHOA Pool Registration Form
*CCHOA Facility & Ground Application
- The Community Center and Pool will not be available for rent in 2023
*CCHOA Facility & Ground Permit
- The Community Center and pool will not be available for rent in 2023
*CCHOA Facility & Ground Checklist
- The Community Center and pool will not be available for rent in 2023